Early 2024 a milestone is achieved ! Few months ago, YB was only disparate elements, a bit dusty, stored since years, never really finished. The magic has worked, each assembly has found its place and YB looks essentially like an aircraft ! He has done its first flight (slightly assisted) and found its definitive hangar space at Sion airport !

To achieve that, I have put quite some pressure on myself early this year at risk of losing a bit the pleasure I had all along the build. Big mistake ! But what a blast to see the result !

Finishing the wings has required an important number of hours : electrical and pneumatic wiring, pitot tube, aileron servo and trim, final install of the 4 tanks and their fuel lines and the long and tedious riveting of the bottom skin. Just the time to breathe and prepare the helicopter transport of the fuselage. I take out my trigonometry notes for clever calculations of angles and strap length. We push the aircraft in front of the workshop this morning of March 15th, with confidence. Alpine Helicopters teams are ready, time for the show ! Pierrot maneuver its AS350B3 Squirrel within centimeters, the long sling is attached, YB is leaving the nest, great moment of emotion !

Then for few weeks, I take advantage of a 5 stars hangar to install the empennage, the control surfaces, instrument panel and wings before moving the aircraft to its new home. Its structure is finished, remains the electrical installation, its wiring, engine and avionics wiring, flight control setup, finalizing engine installation and cabin interior which has to be entirely done.

A lot of work already since January, some mistakes and letting go lessons, some emotions but before all people on which you can count on : my family, my dear Vasita who supports and helps me even when everything is happening at the same time, my friends Alex, Fred, Dominique, Eddy Laurent and Laurent, Fabien and Jean-Etienne who are always there when needed, Michel and the all Alpark team, Christophe at Farner and to a greater extend, the fantastic builder community.

Despite hundreds of hours spent alone in the workshop, this aeronautical building project remains a teamwork.
Which makes it even better !