I was thinking to be done with those doors in February following hinge and closing mechanism installation but it was just a sweet dream ! After the fuel tanks it’s really the step that takes the most time but before all gives you the impression nothing is moving forward. Two months of work are slowly becoming four !
But good news, they are (almost) completed !

The door seal around the perimeter of the fuselage is more aesthetic than the plan’s solution but requires, as with all modifications, considerably more work. The doors once all the adjustment work finished are painted, the locking mechanism installed one last time. The four side windows are in acrylic (Plexiglas). One more new material but with the good technic, one can easily cut and sand it. It takes me several days to come out with the gluing procedure. Once started this step don’t leave any room for interpretation. I again freely draw inspiration from the tons of information found on the net. Time has come to put theory into practice and the plan work perfectly ! Windows are glued neatly, strongly but with flexibility to avoid any cracking.
In June, Dreamcatcher is transporting Vasita and me for few days of farniente in Venezia and Vienna. Then it’s Oshkosh time. What a joy to be back ! I am really taking advantage, among many other things, of the 15 or so RV-10 parked. I photograph them under all angles and talk to their owners always willing to help and share their knowledge.

When back, I work on the firewall components installation and start with the engine mount and gear legs fitting. The engine was supposed to arrive in June but is delayed. The instrument panel, on the other hand, made it ! A beautiful molded carbon part where modern avionics will find its way soon.
Until then, pile of spare parts stored in the workshop should continue to lessen, little by little…